臺中西屯區不僅是臺灣的重要交通樞紐,更是全新崛起的工商業中心。Aedas院士及全球設計董事溫子先博士(Dr. Andy Wen)、執行董事劉燕帶領團隊在其中的核心區域,將城市肌理與未來展望有機結合,打造了臺中TOP1環球經貿中心,與同樣由溫子先博士設計的NTC商貿中心,臺中商業銀行企業總部“臺中之鉆”項目遙相對望,形成了包羅萬象的城市地標。
Xitun District in Taichung City serves as a vital transportation hub and a rapidly developing industrial and commercial centre in Taiwan. Led by Global Design Principal Dr. Andy Wen and Executive Director Nicole Liu, the Taichung Top1 Global Trade Centre is situated in the heart of Xitun district as an urban icon.
▲ 項目與NTC商貿中心、臺中商業銀行總部遙相對望
Global Top1 Trade Centre and the NTC, Commercial Bank Headquarters Mixed-use Project
The Top1 Global Trade Centre is located at the core of Xitun District, a prime location close to the transportation systems and landmarks. ‘The centre sits at a busy traffic intersection, offering excellent urban scenery. We hope to integrate the urban context into the design and build a new landmark in the bustling city.’ Says Nicole.
The office tower uses streamlined lines to break the rigid building mass, retreating inward through the curved outline to create sufficient open space along the street, facilitating an inviting arrival experience. A retail space is designed underneath the office floors, complemented with a clubhouse at the top, which offers stunning panoramic views of the city and a sky pool.
The design draws inspiration from the bustling city and surrounding roads, merging the lines of the highway with the collar of the traditional Chinese cheongsam through modern design techniques. An elegant ‘S’ curve is embedded in the building’s main façade, creating a curvy gap that flows down to the podium. The streamlined building mass complements these curves, descending from the top of the building and extending toward the base. Integrating traditional elements into modern architecture, the design preserves the urban context while imparting a sense of auspiciousness to the building. Several curvy cuts at bottom and the tapered top curtain wall further enhance the building’s dynamism and elegance.
▲ 體量生成
Massing generation
▲ 將旗袍的線條融入建筑
Design inspired by traditional Chinese cheongsam
▲ 曲線自塔樓頂端蜿蜒而下
A curvy gap flows down to the podium
The curtain wall features prominent horizontal lines and subtle vertical lines, with the golden glass curtain wall matched with horizontal aluminium decorative strips of the same colour. The sun-facing side features widened, curved decorative strips which reduce heat gain through natural shading while creating rhythmic lines that enhance the visual experience. Additionally, the cantilever green terrace of the podium creates a welcoming city living room, providing an eco-friendly environment for people to relax and socialise.
The bright high-ceiling lobby and double-height terrace create an open and inclusive urban office space. The indoor stone walls extend to the ceiling with soft horizontal lines, while the rhythmic curved light strips complement and shine with the golden curved shape of the building’s façade.
▲ 明亮的大堂空間
A bright lobby
▲ 柔和的橫向線條
Soft horizontal lines
▲ 辦公空間
Office spaces
“希望可以在繁忙的城市路口,打造一座可以讓人停留駐足的建筑。在奔波中放慢腳步,以建筑為媒介,感受空間、時間與文脈前世今生的交織融合。”溫子先博士(Dr. Andy Wen)說道。
‘At this busy traffic intersection, we aim to create a building that encourages people to slow down and experience the interplay of space, time, and cultural context amidst the hustle of the city.’ Andy shares.
▲ 夕陽中的臺中TOP1環球經貿中心
Taichung TOP1 Global Trade Centre
▲ 地標輪廓
The landmark
主要設計人:溫子先博士(Dr. Andy Wen),Aedas院士及全球設計董事;劉燕,執行董事
Location: Taichung, PRC
Client: Highwealth Construction CO., LTD.
Design and Project Architect, Landscape Designer, Interior Designer: Aedas
Gross Floor Area: 31,912 sq m
Completion Year: 2024
Design Directors: Dr. Andy Wen, Global Design Principal and Nicole Liu, Executive Director
Photography: Yi-Hsien Lee Photography Studio